Booking Procedure
To confirm a booking, a signed booking form must be returned to CITC prior to event commencement. Please note that telephone bookings are provisional until written confirmation (either by fax, post or email: ) is received.
Cancellation Policy
In the event of cancelling a confirmed booking, the following charges are applied: If you cancel your booking 5 working days before the event, a full refund will be given. If you cancel your booking less than 5 working days before the event, a %10 cancellation fee will be charged.
Price Variations
In the event of circumstances beyond CITC’s control (e.g. increases in standard rates of VAT), CITC reserves the right to vary the prices quoted to an extent which reflects such circumstances.
A Purchase Order must be quoted on signed booking forms in order to confirm a booking. Alternatively, payment, by cheque, must be received prior to event commencement.
Start & Finish Times
The Day Rate is applicable only within the hours of 9.15 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. The Half Day Rate is applicable only within the hours of 9.15 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. or 2.00 p.m. to 5.15 p.m. or 7.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Extensions to these times may be chargeable and are at the sole discretion of CITC. In the case of exhibitions, the finishing time agreed is when all display stands and equipment have been cleared from the room.
The customer assumes responsibility for damage caused by them, or other persons attending the event or subcontractors working on the customers behalf, whether in the room reserved or in any part of CITC and undertakes to pay for the making good of material damage to furniture, fixtures or equipment howsoever caused during the set upon dismantling of equipment used. Nothing should be affixed to the floors, wall, ceiling or columns in any part of CITC by nails, drawing pins, tape, or any other means.
No advertisement or notice, decoration, flag or emblem or device referring to the event may be attached or displayed in or above the interior/exterior of the building unless prior arrangement has been made with CITC.
CITC will try wherever possible to assist course participants with the storage of equipment, personal property etc. but accepts no responsibility for any goods damaged or lost. CITC will not accept responsibility for any goods consigned to CITC or any of its staff in connection with any event nor will it be responsible for any freight, carriage or delivery charges.
Food & Beverage
No food or beverage will be permitted to be brought into the centre without the prior permission of CITC.
Statutory Regulations
CITC must comply with all the relevant statutes and therefore requires its customers not to act in such a ways would put CITC in breach of any particular statute. In particular, customers are reminded to maintain free access to fire exits at all times and not to interfere with or obstruct any fire equipment/notices during the course of the event.